12 Şubat 2015 Perşembe

Nodejs Inheritance

I will give an example on how inheritance can be applied in JavaScript and Node.js. This post does not cover the topic in its entirety, but explains crucial points.

It is tested with node 0.6.12 on Ubuntu 12.04

1. Prototype Chain

When it comes to inheritance, JavaScript only has one construct: objects. Each object has an internal link to another object called its prototype. That prototype object has a prototype of its own, and so on until an object is reached with null as its prototype. null, by definition, has no prototype, and acts as the final link in this prototype chain. In addition to this, every object has Object.prototype (prototype of Object) in its prototype chain.
An object inherits methods and properties in its prototype chain. This also implies that all objects inherit methods and properties of Object.prototype.

1.1. Property Access

Functions and variables are both treated same way as properties. When it is attempted to access a property of an object, this property is looked up in object's own properties.  If the property is not found directly in the object, it is looked up in its direct prototype. If it is not in the direct prototype, it is looked up in second prototype in the chain.  Until a null prototype is found, this traversal continues. Usage of this in a function in an object's prototype does not refer to prototype but inheriting object.

These has following implications
  • Properties can be shadowed:When a object redefines a property (function, variable etc.), it shadows the property down in its prototype chain. 
  • This property shadowing can be used as a method overriding mechanism.
  • Resolution of this to inheriting object also provides method overriding rules similar to Java method invocation rules.
1.2. prototype, __proto__, Object.getPrototypeOf
prototype is used with types whereas __proto__ or Object.getPrototypeOf() is used for instances.

var a1 = new A();
var a2 = new A();
A.prototype == Object.getPrototypeOf(a1) == Object.getPrototypeOf(a2) == a1.__proto__ == a2.__proto__

2. Example

In following example, super class -if we use OO terms- will have 2 methods and sub class will override one method.

function SuperClass(name){
  this.name = name;

SuperClass.prototype = {
 * Validate the request
 * Default : true
 validateRequest : function(input, callback){
  console.log("Validating the request: ", input);
  callback(null, true);
 * 1. Validate the request
 * 2. Reply with response
 process : function(input, callback){
  var self = this;
  console.log("Processing the request");
  self.validateRequest(input, function(err, result){
    console.log("Error when validating the request: ", err);

   if(result == true){
    callback(null, "OK");
    console.log("Validation failed!")
    callback(null, "FAIL");

function SubClass(){
 SuperClass.call(this, "Greater Than Test");

SubClass.prototype = Object.create(SuperClass.prototype, {
    validateRequest : {
      value: function(request, callback){ // override
         console.log("Validating request...");
         if(request > 10){
          callback(null, true);
          callback(null, false);
      enumerable: true,
      configurable: true,
      writable: true

var sub = new SubClass();
sub.process(15, function(err, result){

> node inheritance.js 
{ validateRequest: [Function], process: [Function] }
{ validateRequest: [Function] }
Processing the request
Validating request...

The important points are:

  • SubClass constructor uses call method to run the constructor of  SuperClass. Usage of this comes from the requirements of call method.
  • Object.craete() method enables us to assign SuperClass.prototype to the prototype chain of SubClass. In other words, SubClass prototype assigns SuperClass.prototype as its upper prototype
  • Call to sub.process() calls function in SuperClass and than calls SubClass's validateRequest method
  • Super class implementation of validateRequest function can be used by adding below to overriding method.
SuperClass.prototype.validateRequest.call(this, request, callback);

Further Reading


11 Şubat 2015 Çarşamba

Install and Run Zookeeper in Replicated Mode

I will explain the steps for installing Zookeeper and running in standalone and replicated mode.

It is tested with Zookeeper 3.4.6 on Ubuntu 12.04.

1. Prerequisites 

i. Java 1.6 or greater is needed to run Zookeeper. I will continue with Java 1.7
> apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

ii. I will use supervisord to control Zookeeper
> apt-get install supervisor

2. Install Zookeeper

Get a Zookeeper binary. I will use http://ftp.itu.edu.tr/Mirror/Apache/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.6/zookeeper-3.4.6.tar.gz

> cd /usr/local
> wget http://ftp.itu.edu.tr/Mirror/Apache/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.6/zookeeper-3.4.6.tar.gz
> tar -xzvf zookeeper-3.4.6.tar.gz
> ln -s zookeeper-3.4.6 zookeeper

Create data and log directories for Zookeeper
> mkdir /var/zookeeper
> mkdir /var/zookeeper-log
> mkdir /var/log/zookeeper

Enter into /usr/local/zookeeper/conf directory
> cd /usr/local/zookeeper/conf
> vi zoo.cfg

Enter following configuration properties:

Save and exit.
Following are explanations for these parameters, excerpt from Zookeeper documentation:

the basic time unit in milliseconds used by ZooKeeper. It is used to do heartbeats and the minimum session timeout will be twice the tickTime.

the location to store the in-memory database snapshots and, unless specified otherwise, the transaction log of updates to the database.

the location to store the transaction log of updates to the database.

the port to listen for client connections

3. Run In Standalone Mode

Lets run Zookeeper:
> cd /usr/local/zookeeper/bin
> ./zkServer.sh start

This will start Zookeeper and will fork into background. You can start in the foreground:
> ./zkServer.sh start-foreground

You can stop Zookeeper with:
> ./zkServer.sh stop

4. Run with Supervisord

Edit supervisord config
> vi /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf

Enter following entry to the end of the file.

command=/usr/local/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh start-foreground

Enter into supervisord console
> sudo supervisorctl

You can monitor and start/stop Zookeeper from supervisor console
supervisor > status zookeeper
supervisor > start zookeeper
supervisor > stop zookeeper
supervisor > tail zookeeper

5. Run in Replicated Mode

In order to run Zookeeper in replicated mode, we will install Zookeeper to 3 machines. It is the least number recommended for production deployments. It is wise to install odd numbers of servers greater or equal to 3. Zookeeper needs more than half of the ensemble (Zookeeper cluster) up and running to be operational.

In each server, apply following:
Edit zoo.cfg
> cd /usr/local/zookeeper/conf
> vi zoo.cfg


Enter into data directory and create a file named myid:
> cd /var/zookeeper
> vi myid
Enter 1 for zoo1 server stating server id.
Enter 2 for zoo2 server stating server id.
Enter 3 for zoo3 server stating server id.

Following are explanations for these parameters, excerpt from Zookeeper documentation

The new entry, initLimit is timeouts ZooKeeper uses to limit the length of time the ZooKeeper servers in quorum have to connect to a leader. The entry syncLimit limits how far out of date a server can be from a leader.

With both of these timeouts, you specify the unit of time using tickTime. In this example, the timeout for initLimit is 10 ticks at 2000 milleseconds a tick, or 20 seconds.

The entries of the form server.X list the servers that make up the ZooKeeper service. When the server starts up, it knows which server it is by looking for the file myid in the data directory. That file has the contains the server number, in ASCII.

Finally, note the two port numbers after each server name: " 2888" and "3888". Peers use the former port to connect to other peers. Such a connection is necessary so that peers can communicate, for example, to agree upon the order of updates. More specifically, a ZooKeeper server uses this port to connect followers to the leader. When a new leader arises, a follower opens a TCP connection to the leader using this port. Because the default leader election also uses TCP, we currently require another port for leader election. This is the second port in the server entry.

MySQL InnoDB Transaction Model

InnoDB transaction examples (for INSERT and UPDATE/DELETE operations) will be given and READ_COMMITTED and REPEATABLE_READ isolation levels will be compared.

It is tested with Mysql 5.5.
Some of the information are taken from http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/innodb-transaction-model.html.


Excerpt from MySQL documentation

1. Mysql InnoDB does locking on row level.

* Record lock: This is a lock on an index record. Record locks always lock index records, even if a table is defined with no indexes. For such cases, InnoDB creates a hidden clustered index and uses this index for record locking

* Gap lock: This is a lock on a gap between index records, or a lock on the gap before the first or after the last index record.

* Next-key lock: This is a combination of a record lock on the index record and a gap lock on the gap before the index record.

2. Mysql supports following transaction isolation levels


* Dirty Read => NO: It does not read uncommitted results.
* Repeatable read => YES: In a transaction, multiple select statements return same row with same content
* Phantom read => YES: In a transaction, multiple select statements return same result set with exact same number
* For UPDATE, and DELETE statements, locking depends on whether the statement uses a unique index with a unique search condition, or a range-type search condition. For a unique index with a unique search condition, InnoDB locks only the index record found, not the gap before it. For other search conditions, InnoDB locks the index range scanned, using gap locks or next-key (gap plus index-record) locks to block insertions by other sessions into the gaps covered by the range.

* Dirty Read: NO : It does not read uncommitted results.
* Repeatable read => NO : Each consistent read, even within the same transaction, sets and reads its own fresh snapshot. This means that multiple select statements may return different content for the same row.
* Phantom Read => YES
* For UPDATE statements, and DELETE statements, InnoDB locks only index records, not the gaps before them, and thus permits the free insertion of new records next to locked records.


3. In InnoDB, all user activity occurs inside a transaction. If auto-commit mode is enabled, each SQL statement forms a single transaction on its own.

4. By default, MySQL starts the session for each new connection with auto-commit enabled, so MySQL does a commit after each SQL statement if that statement did not return an error.

5. If auto-commit mode is disabled within a session with SET auto-commit = 0, the session always has a transaction open. A COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement ends the current transaction and a new one starts.


We will investigate two scenarios.

* Two transactions making UPDATE on same table
* One transaction making INSERT after another transaction making UPDATE on same table
We will try each scenario for each of above tables

-id (Primary Key)
-name (Secondary Index)

-id (Primary Key)

3. SCENARIO 1 - Two transactions making UPDATE

CASE 1 - Table without secondary index - mytable_no_index

Transaction 1
Transaction 2
Start Transaction
Start Transaction
UPDATE mytable_no_index SET value=22 WHERE name='a'
Get lock and run query
UPDATE mytable_no_index SET value=22 WHERE name='b'
Blocked waiting for lock
Blocked waiting for lock
Commit Transaction
Get lock and run query

Commit Transaction
Explanation: Since transaction iso lation level is repeatable_read, InnoDB locks the indexes until it finds the desired row. Since there is no secondary index for name column, query scans all rows. Even though WHERE clause eliminates other rows, all scanned indexes/rows are not released. As a result, second update query waits for the lock, although the first transaction updates a different row.

SCENARIO 1 Transaction 1
Transaction 2
Start Transaction
Start Transaction
UPDATE mytable_no_index SET value=22 WHERE name='a'
Get lock and run query
UPDATE mytable_no_index SET value=22 WHERE name='b'
Get lock and run query
Commit Transaction

Commit Transaction
Explanation: Since transaction isolation level is read_commited, InnoDB locks only the index. WHERE clause eliminates other rows releasing their lock,releasing in contrast to repeatable_read isolation level. Because of this, second update query runs without waiting any lock.

CASE 2 - Table with secondary index - mytable

Transaction 1
Transaction 2
Start Transaction
Start Transaction
UPDATE mytable SET value=22 WHERE name='a'
Get lock and run query
UPDATE mytable SET value=22 WHERE name='b'
Get lock and run query
Commit Transaction

Commit Transaction
Explanation: Since transaction isolation level is repeatable_read, InnoDB locks the indexes until it finds the desired row. However, since there is a secondary index on name column, it will scan indexes for value a and will not scan whole table. As a result, second update query will not wait for lock and run.

Lets expand it more:

Transaction 1
Transaction 2
Start Transaction
Start Transaction
UPDATE mytable SET value=22 WHERE name='a' and value=1
Get lock and run query
UPDATE mytable SET value=22 WHERE name='a' and value=2
Blocked waiting for lock
Blocked waiting for lock
Commit Transaction
Get lock and run query

Commit Transaction
Explanation: Since both update statements scan same index records for a, first transaction lock all rows for a and second transaction waits for lock.

Transaction 1
Transaction 2
Start Transaction
Start Transaction
UPDATE mytable SET value=22 WHERE name='a'
Get lock and run query
UPDATE mytable SET value=22 WHERE name='b'
Get lock and run query
Commit Transaction

Commit Transaction
Explanation: Since transaction isolation level is read_commited, InnoDB locks only the index. Its outcome is identical to updating a table with secondary index.

4. SCENARIO 2 - One transaction making INSERT after another transaction making UPDATE

CASE 1 - Table without secondary index - mytable_no_index

Transaction 1
Transaction 2
Start Transaction
Start Transaction
UPDATE mytable_no_index SET value=22 WHERE name='a'
Get lock and run query
INSERT INTO mytable_no_index(name, value) VALUES(‘abc’, 1)
Blocked waiting for lock
Blocked waiting for lock
Commit Transaction
Get lock and run query

Commit Transaction
Explanation: Since transaction isolation level is repeatable_read, InnoDB locks the indexes until it finds the desired row. Since there is no secondary index for name column, query scans all rows. In addition to that, it puts gap locks for the indexes, thus disabling any insert by other transactions. This is done to block phantom reads.

Transaction 1
Transaction 2
Start Transaction
Start Transaction
UPDATE mytable_no_index SET value=22 WHERE name='a'
Get lock and run query
INSERT INTO mytable_no_index(name, value) VALUES(‘abc’, 1)
Get lock and run query
Commit Transaction

Commit Transaction
Explanation: Since transaction isolation level is read_commited, InnoDB locks only index records, not the gaps before them, and thus permits the free insertion of new records next to locked records.

CASE 2 - Table with secondary index - mytable

Transaction 1
Transaction 2
Start Transaction
Start Transaction
UPDATE mytable SET value=22 WHERE name='a'
Get lock and run query
INSERT INTO mytable(name, value) VALUES(‘abc’, 1)
Blocked waiting for lock
Blocked waiting for lock
Commit Transaction
Get lock and run query

Commit Transaction
Explanation: Since transaction isolation level is repeatable_read, InnoDB locks the indexes until it finds the desired row. It locks the index records for a. In addition to that, InnoDB puts gap locks before selected index, thus disabling any insert by other transactions. Since insert query will use index records for a, it will wait for lock.

Lets expand more.

Transaction 1
Transaction 2
Start Transaction
Start Transaction
UPDATE mytable SET value=22 WHERE name='a'
Get lock and run query
INSERT INTO mytable(name, value) VALUES(‘bcd’, 1)
Get lock and run query
Commit Transaction

Commit Transaction

Since bcd is after index record a, it will not wait for lock

Transaction 1
Transaction 2
Start Transaction
Start Transaction
UPDATE mytable SET value=22 WHERE name='a'
Get lock and run query
INSERT INTO mytable(name, value) VALUES(‘012’, 1)
Blocked waiting for lock
Blocked waiting for lock
Commit Transaction
Get lock and run query

Commit Transaction
Since 012 is in the gap before index record a, it will wait for lock

Transaction 1
Transaction 2
Start Transaction
Start Transaction
UPDATE mytable SET value=22 WHERE name='a'
Get lock and run query
INSERT INTO mytable(name, value) VALUES(‘abc’, 1)
Get lock and run query
Commit Transaction

Commit Transaction
Explanation: Since transaction isolation level is read_commited, InnoDB locks only index records, not the gaps before them, and thus permits the free insertion of new records next to locked records.


Excerpt from MySQL documentation

Gap locking can be disabled explicitly. This occurs if you change the transaction isolation level to READ_COMMITTED or enable the innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog system variable. Under these circumstances, gap locking is disabled for searches and index scans and is used only for foreign-key constraint checking and duplicate-key checking.

If innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog variable is set to false, insert operations will not be blocked.

6. Where to Go From Here
