I am using Centos 6.5. Below explanations should also work for Red Hat implementations. In other Linux implementations, it could differ.
1. Environment Variables
1.1. Process Locality
If you open two shells and define an environment variable in first shell, second shell will not be able to see new environment variable.
1. Open two terminals
2. Create an environment variable in first:
> export SHELLNUMBER=1
3. In second shell, type:
This will print nothing.
1.2. Inheritance
If you define a variable in a shell and open a sub-shell, new variable will be available to sub-shell.
1. Open a terminal
2. Create an environment variable:
> export PARENT=1
3. Create a sub-shell by typing:
> bash
4. List variables:
> env | grep PARENT
This will print
We can continue as follows to also test process locality:
5. Create another variable in sub-shell and list variables:
> export PARENT2=2 > env | grep PARENT
This will print:
6. Now exit sub-shell and list variables:
> exit > env | grep PARENT
This will print only
As you can see, variables defined in sub-shell are not available to parent shell.
1.3. Case-Sensitivity
Environment variables are case sensitive meaning that JAVA_HOME and Java_Home are different variables. It is a common practice to use capital letters and underscore signs.
2. Shell Types
We can group shells in two categories: interactive/non-interactive and login/non-login shells.
2.1. Interactive/non-interactive shells
An interactive shell is the one whose input and output are connected to terminals or the one started with -i flag.
Non-interactive shell is the one where user input is not needed such as shell scripts.
Non-interactive shell is the one where user input is not needed such as shell scripts.
You can learn if the shell you are working (probably interactive) by typing:
> echo $-If output contains i, it is interactive.
To see a non interactive shell, create a shell script name test.sh with contents:
echo $-Then run with:
> bash test.shThe output will not contain i.
2.2. Login and non-login shells
A login shell is the shell when you login or the one started with -l flag.
In login shells, it usually prompts for user and password. This is the case when you ssh to remotely login to a linux machine.
Other Examples:
In non-login shells, it does not prompt for user and password. This is the case when you are already logged in and type /bin/bash. An interactive non-login shell is also started when you open a terminal in a graphical environment.
In login shells, it usually prompts for user and password. This is the case when you ssh to remotely login to a linux machine.
Other Examples:
> bash -l
> su -l
In non-login shells, it does not prompt for user and password. This is the case when you are already logged in and type /bin/bash. An interactive non-login shell is also started when you open a terminal in a graphical environment.
3. Config Files
Files under /etc is usually provide global settings and files under user home directory provides user specific settings. User specific files can override global settings.An interactive login shell reads /etc/profile and ~/.bash_profile. In Centos, ~/.bash_profile also reads ~/.bashrc and then /etc/bashrc files.
An interactive non-login shell gets its parent environment and reads ~/.bashrc and /etc/bashrc for additional configuration.
A non-interactive non-login shell expands $BASH_ENV variable if not null and reads specified file. Otherwise, it only gets its parent environment.
You can test this behaviour as following:
1. Open a terminal. We will use this as our main shell, do not close it.
2. Create a shell script named test.sh with contents:
env | grep SCRIPTVAR
3. Define a new variable in /etc/bashrc file:
export SCRIPTVAR=1This variable is not be available to our main shell since /etc/bashrc must be read again.
4. Will it be available to shell script? Run test.sh:
> bash test.shThis will not print our new variable
5. Set BASH_ENV variable to /etc/bashrc (just for testing, not for daily usage):
> export BASH_ENV=/etc/bashrc
6. Run script again and it prints SCRIPTVAR=1.
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