Hadoop 1.0.3 is used on a cluster running Centos operating system.
1. masters/slaves Files
Hadoop includes master and slaves files to run specified commands on all cluster machines. These files are located under $HADOOP_HOME/conf.Suppose you have a cluster of 4 servers: server1, server2, server3 and server4. On server1, you want to start namenode, jobtracker and secondary namenode. On other 3 servers, you want to run datanode and tasktracker daemons.
masters file
slaves file
server2 server3 server4
If you run Hadoop on a single machine, run your server name to both files.
2. Control Scripts
Lets look at the scripts. These scripts are located $HADOOP_HOME/bin.1. start-dfs.sh
This script should be run on namonode node.> $HADOOP_HOME/bin/start-dfs.sh
- Starts namenode on the server which script is run.
- Starts datanodes on the servers listed in slaves file
- Starts secondary namenode on the servers listed in masters file
2. start-mapred.sh
This script should be run on jobtracker node.> $HADOOP_HOME/bin/start-mapred.sh
- Starts jobtracker on the server which scripts is run
- Starts tasktrackers on the servers listed in slaves file
- This script does not use masters file
3. stop-dfs.sh
This script should be run on namonode node.> $HADOOP_HOME/bin/stop-dfs.sh
- Stops namenode on the server which script is run.
- Stops datanodes on the servers listed in slaves file
- Stops secondary namenode on the servers listed in masters file
4. stop-mapred.sh
This script should be run on jobtracker node.> $HADOOP_HOME/bin/stop-mapred.sh
- Stops jobtracker on the server which scripts is run
- Stops tasktrackers on the servers listed in slaves file
5. hadoop-daemon.sh
This script should be run on datanode/tasktracker nodes.This script operates according to the given parameters. By default, it runs on the server which script is run.
Start/Stop datanode
>$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop-daemon.sh start datanode >$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop-daemon.sh stop datanode
Start/Stop tasktracker
>$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop-daemon.sh start tasktracker >$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop-daemon.sh stop tasktracker
6. start-all.sh
This script runs start-dfs.sh and start-mapred.sh. Starts all daemons using slaves and masters file. This scripts should be run namenode/jobtracker node.>$HADOOP_HOME/bin/start-all.sh
7. stop-all.sh
This script runs stop-dfs.sh and stop-mapred.sh. Stops all daemons using slaves and masters file. This scripts should be run namenode/jobtracker node.>$HADOOP_HOME/bin/stop-all.sh
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